Sunday, December 15, 2013

Coming Soon...

Midnight breakfast and primal scream - I guess finals week does start tomorrow, huh? (By the way, moonlight breakfast = one of my new favorite finals traditions.)

Anyway. I promised myself that this week I was going to write a blog post! And I started, more than once, but couldn't come up with the right thing to say. With finals and projects and packing and flying home this week, I don't know when I will have the opportunity to write next. I just wanted to acknowledge that I realize how long it has been, and that I will have a real post soon!

One small thought. This morning in church, the pastor talked about joy. According to Merriam Webster, joy is "the emotion evoked by ... the prospect of possessing what one desires." This time of year can be crazy. For students its finals, for others it might be family issues, money issues, just plain the busy nature of the Christmas season - feeling like you need to get everything done in time, and done perfectly. Joy can feel far away in all of that. But too often we mistake joy for happiness - it's okay not to feel happy all the time. Joy is acknowledging that we might not have what we desire right now, but we will someday. We can hold onto that hope and feel joy in the present, despite our current circumstances, because we know that at some time in the future our circumstances will be what we desire.

Personally, I cannot wait until finals are over and I am back home again, with my friends and family! And I can have joy in that, despite what the last couple days of the semester might bring.

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