Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Book Review: The Power of Unstoppable Faith

I heard Nick Vujicic speak in person at a conference once, but I had never read any of his books. He was born with no arms or legs, and he has made a career out of travelling around the world giving inspirational talks. I was very interested to learn more about him, so I decided to get this book. I knew it was a short book from the description, but I was still a bit surprised when I got it in the mail and it was a package of 10 little booklets. It was a very quick read, and it ended up being nice to have several of them to share with friends and family (I actually have a few left, if anybody is interested!)

As for the contents of the booklet itself, I wish it had included more information about Vujicic's life. It made me want to read more of his books, which I guess was the point. I understand that in such a short book there wasn't room to tell his whole life story, especially since he does have other books which are a normal length. The focus of this booklet was more about his career as an inspirational speaker, and how important it is to do what you love with your life, despite anything that stands in your way.

I would definitely recommend this booklet. I don't know if it is possible to get it without buying a package of 10 of them, but it is a very quick read (55 short pages) and its was a nice introduction to his life and ministry. Reading this made me excited to read some of his other books.

And So It Begins

So, on Friday I embark on an adventure. I am spending the spring semester (from January through May) studying at Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland!

I don't think its really hit me yet that I'm leaving. I've had such a short break at home, and most of it I have been occupied with Christmas and spending time with my family. But, day by day it gets closer. I'm so used to leaving home for long periods of time to be at school anyway, it just hasn't really sunk in that this time I'll be a bit farther away than normal.

Don't get me wrong, I'm very excited. But, also terrified. I've never been anywhere in Europe, much less traveled there by myself. I've never had to buy and cook all of my own food (Trinity has no meal plan). I have no clue who I will be living with or what classes I will be taking. I don't know a single other person who will be in Dublin. I know that it will be an amazing experience, but I'm worried about the first couple weeks of adjustment to everything.

At the moment, I really don't have a lot of details to share. My first week there, before classes start on the 12th, I will be part of a program where I get to learn about the culture and history of Trinity College, the city of Dublin, and Ireland as a whole (and go on field trips!). But after that, I have no clue what my schedule will be like. I will do my best to keep this blog updated during my time in Dublin!

I've wanted to study abroad for as long as I can remember, I just can't believe its coming true so soon.