Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Last Time

As I prepare to leave for Wellesley in 2 days (2 days? What?!) there are more and more things each day that I am doing for the last time, at least for a few months. Today was the last time I got to babysit my little cousins, and probably the last time I get to see one of my best friends in the whole world, Kelly Klos. Tonight was the last time I will eat dinner with my parents. Tonight is the last time I will sleep with my cat, and tomorrow morning will be the last time I wake up to the sound of my cockatiel singing. Tomorrow night will be the last time I get to sleep in my bed. Tomorrow will be the last time I get to eat home cooked food, or not have to use a communal bathroom, or have a bedroom to myself. Tomorrow will be the last full day I spend in Minnesota!

There is only one thing that makes me feel better. Soon, rather than doing everything for the last time, everything I do will be for the first time! And I just have to remind myself, that is precisely why I am  moving somewhere new for college.

But why does leaving have to be so bittersweet?

1 comment:

  1. Love your writing--interesting perspective--can't wait to see how college goes for you!

